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Mental Health Technologies

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Cutting Edge Mental Health


The “cutting edge mental health technologies” that will be utilized by our clinicians are Neurofeedback, EMDR,

 Brainspotting, and expressive therapies.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback


NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a Dynamical Neurofeedback technology created by Zengar® Institute. NeurOptimal® is designed to take advantage of the brain's natural learning processes by encouraging the brain to function as originally designed, thus the brain makes changes by itself, without interference from a trainer. The result is increased flexibility and resilience in the brain. Brain flexibility or (neuroplasticity) allows the brain to change maladaptive patterns that are inhibiting optimal brain function. In other words, it can help your brain become more flexible, allowing you to see positive changes in the way you function. 




What is Brainspotting??? Brainspotting was discovered by Dr. David Grand, Phd. It is a therapy that came about through the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). To provide a simple explanation, where you look affects how you feel. The eyes are directly connected to the limbic cortex (emotional brain), which is directly connected to our mid-brain (which contains the amygdala). The midbrain is where unprocessed trauma is held. When using traditional talk therapy methods, the pre-frontal cortex (thought brain) is the main area of the brain that is accessed. This makes it difficult to reprocess trauma because you're not fully accessing the midbrain. Also, by talking through past trauma, a lot of times, the client becomes re-traumatized and disregulated. This makes trauma therapy slow and inefficient. So with Brainspotting, just by looking in a certain direction at a certain spot, the pre-frontal cortex is bypassed and the client begins processing on a deeper level, accessing where the unresolved trauma lies in the midbrain. Also, the muscles behind the eyes are  connected to the parts of the brain that regulate the body. Therefore, when a person is engaging in Brainspotting, they are highly likely to not dissociate when processing trauma, unlike other therapy models. Regulation plus deep processing in the brain and body allows this therapy process to be gentle, efficient, and effective. Healing almost immediately occurs, especially in the brain of a human age 22 or younger, as brain development is still occurring and the brain is highly malleable. Large improvements can occur in just a single therapy session using this method. At the Healing Collaborative, we will provide Brainspotting services directly through our contracted therapists in the Denver area.



EMDR is the foundation of Brainspotting. It is a secondary treatment model we will incorporate in our therapy process, as it is also evidence-based and effective. According to the EMDR International Association, EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR was originally geared toward helping with the treatment of PTSD. However, evidence shows that it is also very helpful in treating issues including: anxiety, depression, grief, acute stress disorder, eating disorders and addictions.


There's evidence that suggests we process intellectual material in a different part of the brain than emotional material. EMDR helps link the two. Since the brain is able to process emotional and intellectual material at once, trauma reactions can be processed alongside logic, to promote healing in the brain from trauma. Therapists that work with us are also trained to provide EMDR, as needed.

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